Sentences (Sözlem) in al Bakiyye

There are only some rules for the sentences. Exept that, the sentences using and creating is free. Some rules;

-        The main (basic) sentences should be separate from the clause.

-        It should add “ef” front of the sentences and end of the verb “-us” in conditional clauses. Ef min görusa siniy, werde min bertaç sine lâ Paray. (If I see you, I will give you Money.) The ef can be used one time and “-us” can be used many times in the sentences.

-        In Al Bakiyye there are many methods to create sentences. So, it can be seen in many different forms and sentences which have the same meaning.

Possive – Negative – Question Sentences (Uğma-Biuğma-Sorgu Sözlemat)

Sentence type

Definite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun


Negative Name Clause

Bu değel ber Betik.

Bu Ñâbetikdir. 

This is not a book.

Negative Verb Sentence

Min nar yazerti ber Betik. 

Ber Betik ñâyazertimin.

I did not write a book.

Positive Name Clause

Bu ist ber Betik.

Bu Betikdir.

This is a book.

Positive Verb Sentence

Min yazerti ber Betik.

Ber Betik yazertimin.

I wrote a book.

Question sentence

Mu sahap ol ber Barq?

Mu gibs ber Barq orayfi?  

Is there a house there?


Name Sentences (Ad Sözlem)

Sentence type

Definite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun


Name Sentence (ist)

Min ist ya Hûryazar.

Ya Hûryazarmin.

I am a freelance writer.

Name Sentence (dır)

Min ya Hûryazardır.

Ya Hûryazarmindir

I am a freelance writer.


Verb Sentences (Eylev Sözlem)

Sentence type

Definite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun


Verb Sentences

Min war yaza aks ya Hûryazar.

war yazamin aks ya Hûryazar.

I write as a freelance writer.

Basic Verb Sentences

Min werde geltaç zu lâ Okul sinlen erteki. 

Erteki werde geltaçmin zu lâ Okul mit sin.

I will come to school with you tomorrow.


Clauses (Yan Sözlem)

Sentence type

Definite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun



Sin war sevay dostiy, war sin yardema. 

War sevay ya dost, war sin  yardema. 

If you love your friend, you will help him.


Alu war min geda zu ya Okul, wurde min bolerti ber Parayğa. 

Min wurde bolerti ber lâ Parayğa, alu zu ya Okul gedertimin. 

I found a wallet while going to school.

Holistic Clause

Min wurde görerti ki,  wurde gelerti sin zu ya Barq.

Wurde görertimin ki, zu ya Barq wurde gelerti sin.

I saw you coming home.

Relative Sentences (Nisbi Sözlem)

-        Olwan

English:          Martin, who is my teacher, has a car. 

Al Bakiyye:    Minin Edige olwan Martin sahap ber Arayba. 


Active Sentences:     Bu lâ Arayba ist gızıl. Min wurde görerti el Arayba-igızıl. (This car is red. I saw red car. )

Relatif Cümle:           Min wurde görerti gızıl olwan el Arayba. (I saw the car which is red.)



Inverted Sentence (Qarmaş Sözlem)

Sentence type

Definite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun


Inverted Sentences

Erteki werden miz gettaç zu ya Okul sinlen.

Erteki werden gittaçmiz Okula mit sin.

With you tomorrow we will g oto school.


Conditional Clause Sentences (Depat Sözlem)

Sentence type

Definite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun


Bound Conditional Clause Sentences

Ef min sahapusa  ol Paray bergün, werde min gedetaç zu Ötüken. 

Ef sahapusamin ol Paray bergün, werde gdetaçmin tu Ötüken. 

If I have money one day, I will go to Ötüken.


Double Verb Sentences (Keyupeylev)

It means that there are two actions with 2 verbs. Example verbs: like, work, try, hope, think etc.

One Sentences:         Min war uma lâ gellam. (I hope to come.)

Many Sentences:      Min war uma kio, werde sin geltaç mit min zu lâ Kalrayyut Erteki. 

(I hope that you come to the cinema with me tomorrow.)

For Examples:

I hope to come.

Min war uma lâ gellam.

I would like you to teach me Huraica.

Min war kilema sinfin kio, mutet mine ya Al Bakiyye. 

I love to walk (using the verb noun)

Min war seva lâ Çirlam.

I'm trying to find money. (2. Using the infinitive of the verb)

Min war eşlema lâ Paraybol



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