Interpretation (Tevilet el Sözlem)

It is made with “kio, aşaran, bêle, hemfi” conjunctions.

Main sentences, kio + interpretation sentences.

English: The letters were again on the table, and they were letters she had not read for months.

Al Bakiyye: Gêne el Zarf-idamlaat ist un lâ Yudruk, kio nar okuerti ayenja olwan el Zarf-idamlaat. 

Verbally - Word Derivation (Türetek & Sözî)

You can create many words with “Türetek Form” and you can have special words.

For Example

The words: Yeşelînemiş (Greengrocer), Kirineşhane (Market), kâr (Function maker suffix) 

Verbally in Al Bakiyye: Yeşelînemişkirineşhanekâr (Vegetable-Fruit sales supervisor.)

Explanation (Şerx-iolunç)

It is created with “Şerxayan, ayan, şerh’, kezâ” conjunctions. After main sentences we can inform the reader about a thing with this form. After conjunctions we should add double points.

EN:     It was a baby in a blue dress. She was clearly understood to be a boy. 

BK:     Ol ist ber Bala kio wurde geyerti ay Kökgeyu ayan: ol ist lâ Oğul.

Patrol (Gezung)

It is created with “Kezâ” conjunctions. We can talk and tell many things with this system without main sentences and meaning. … Main Sentences; Kezâ … (Patrol Sentences)

EN: I dreamed of him again this morning; I want to see it every morning, but I can't see it, I can't talk when I see it, and I turn into a mad - couch and I burn "ah", I saw him again.

BK: Bu ayılgâh genê wurde min yulerti lâ ol minin ya Mavfi; kezâ es min göra olıy er ayılgâh ajer nar ken göra, sureb göramin ken nar min aytata or war min joawa tum “aah” têmin mi war min çoğing. Min wurde yulerti genê olıy.

Lyric (Usûlîhat)

It is lyrical telling. Sound, pedestal, rhythm, rhyme, etc. Sentence narration is provided by making warnings. There are some symbols for this telling also;

! =       Oratory and order

? =       Asking questions to the reader and the listener, making them think

* =       Explanation sentence, additional information

,, =       Doubling, repeating a word or sentence twice

^^ =     Extension


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